Supernatural begins it’s final season on Oct.10. The hit series - starring Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins - will make once last triumphant return to The CW for the final chapter of this iconic series. Once again, Rob Hayter and the Supernatural Stunt Team will be riding shotgun, as the boys face God himself in the final battle to save mankind from all the things that go bump in the night.
Supernatural Season 15
Supernatural’s fifteenth season will be its last… After one of the most successful runs in television history, and redefining fandom as we know it, Sam and Dean will be saying their final goodbyes in the fifteenth and final season of this iconic TV program… Actors Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins were their usual considerate selves in announcing their decision to bring the story to a close... The trio first told the crew, then issued a joint video statement to the fans before an official statement was released by the network… Class act all the way… Proud to be a small part of it… Once more, unto the breach, dear friends…